
#AyoIndonesiaBisa 2018

#AyoIndonesiaBisa is an annual campaign from Clear Indonesia to build brand awareness by motivating the audience to reach their dream and life goals.

100K Impression on instagram
750K Reach
600K Youtube Views


Clear wants to elevate Ayo Indonesia Bisa as a whole Larger, broader.

Music Video #AyoIndonesiaBisa

For this campaign Clear collaborated with some of musicians and creators such as Eka Gustiwana, Vidi Aldiano, Chandra Liow, and Gita Gutawa to create a new arragement of #AyoIndonesiaBisa song.


Inspire Indonesian Millineals to not afraid pursuing their Life purpose, To be bold about it and to do the first step. And will be chosen to get coached directly & opportunity to make their Life purpose come to Life.